Jhado Rinpoche's Visit
11 - 12 May 2023: Teachings on Mahamudra
13 - 14 May 2023: Yamantaka Initiation
15 May 2023: Getsul & Gelong Ordination
We're fully booked now.
Please follow teachings online on Nalanda's YouTube.
- 11 - 15 May, 2023
- Nalanda Monastery (France)
- In Tibetan, English, French & Spanish
Jhado Tulku Rinpoche

Photo credit: Neal Watkins
We are thrilled to announce that Nalanda Monastery will be graced by the presence of His Eminence Jhado Rinpoche, a highly respected and prominent master of Sutra and Tantra in Tibetan Buddhism.
Rinpoche kindly accepted to offer a series of teachings, initiation and monastic ordination from 11th to 15th May. This is a remarkable opportunity for us to learn and grow under the guidance of such an accomplished teacher.
11 – 12 May: Exploring the Nature of Mind – Teachings on Mahamudra [in person & live]
The 2-day teachings will cover the following points:
- What’s Mahamudra?
- How to meditate on Mahamudra, the nature of mind, according to the sutra system.
- How to meditate on Mahamudra, the nature of mind, according to the tantra system.
- Questions & Answers session
- 10:00 – 12:30 First teaching session (with 30 min. break)
- 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break (only with advanced registration)
- 15:00 – 17:30 Second teaching session (with 30 min. break)
Live streams
Day 1, Session 1:
Day 1, Session 2:
Day 2, Session 1:
Day 2, Session 2:
For live streams in other languages, please check respective YouTube playlists:
13 – 14 May: Yamantaka Empowerment [in person only]
Yamantaka – Solitary Hero Vajrabhairava Empowerment (Wang) is a rare and precious empowerment from the highest class of secret mantra teachings known as Highest Yoga Tantra.
Yamantaka embodies the wrathful aspect of all the buddha’s wisdom.
Prerequisites for the Empowerment: One must have a strong faith in the Buddhist path and have taken refuge in the Three Jewels. Additionally, one must be committed to doing a daily 6-Session Guru Yoga and accept the resulting vows.
If this is your first time receiving the Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerment, it’s highly recommended that you seek guidance from your teacher beforehand.
Sadhana commitment: one needs to do short Yamantaka sadhana daily.
- 14:30 – 17:00 Initiation Session #1
14 May Schedule:
- 14:30 – 17:00 Initiation Session #2
- 19:00 – 20:30 Lama Chopa & Tsog
15 May: Getsul & Gelong Ordination [in person only]
- 09:00 – 11:30 Getsul ordination
- 14:00 – 17:30 Gelong ordination
Please write to Ven. Kalden for more information: director@nalanda-monastery.eu
Rinpoche’s Biography
Jhado Rinpoche was born in 1954 to a nomadic family near Namtso Lake in Tibet. At the age of three, he was recognized as the 6th incarnation of the abbot of Jhado Monastery.
From 1991 to 1997, Rinpoche taught at Namgyal Monastery in Dharamsala, which is the personal monastery of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In 1997, he became the Abbot of Namgyal Monastery and held this position until 2004. Rinpoche also served as an Abbot and chant master at Gyuto, the Upper Tantric College from 2013 and 2017.
Jhado Tulku Rinpoche is held in high regard as a respected and honored lama within the Geluk lineage. With a solid education from the Geluk monastic college system, Rinpoche has also received numerous teachings, oral transmissions and empowerments from renowned spiritual leaders such as His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his two main tutors, as well as other respected teachers including the well-known Nyingma master Trulshik Rinpoche and Chogye Trichen Rinpoche.
For updates regarding the Europe tour: Jhado Rinpoche’s Facebook Page
Donations are welcome
We are delighted to offer all events surrounding Rinpoche’s visit complimentary of charge.
However, if it is within your means, a donation is greatly appreciated to assist us in covering the necessary expenses, such as the return flight tickets for Jhado Rinpoche and two attendants, offerings to the teacher and translators, meals, and other organisational costs. Your generosity will help to ensure the success of this and other visits of great teachers.
We’re fully booked now. You can stay at hotels or guesthouses located in the nearby town of Lavaur, which is only a 10-minute drive from Nalanda. Please check booking.com and Airbnb for available options.
Registration is closed
Due to the significance and rarity of Rinpoche’s visit and limited spaces, we anticipate a high turnout and kindly request that all interested individuals register to attend.