Buddhist Art-Workshop

Known for producing top-quality moulds for tsa-tsa practices​ filling and blessing statues and stupas painting statues

Top-quality tsa-tsa moulds service

Nalanda has a well-equipped art workshop. Our primary service is making moulds & tsa-tsas for individual tsa-tsa practices, or making moulds for centers, stupa building projects, and other Dharma related activities. Every item in the catalogue is also available as a Tsa-Tsa.

For questions and order, please contact our Workshop Manager via workshop@nalanda-monastery.eu

Delivery time

The workshop is only maintained by a few monks, students, or volunteers at any given time, so while moulds are more easily made and delivered, we are not running a factory, thus everything is made to order as it ordered and one needs to allow plenty of time for delivery.

How to order your mould or tsatsa

Everything you need to know about ordering from our workshop and also a list of our available moulds and tsatsas:

Tsa-tsa resources

New to tsa-tsa practice? Check out these three booklets.

Statue/stupa filling & blessing service

Here at Nalanda we have many years of experience in filling statues and stupas. Through the years the monks have managed to collect all the necessary mantra rolls, ingredients and precious substances needed to fill holy objects in the best way possible. It has become a tradition that has been passed on from the elder Nalanda monks to the younger, and is practiced by our monks community with great care and pleasure, in accordance with the advice of Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

Watch the step-by-step process explained and showed by Ven. Rigchog:

The costs of filling and blessing the statue or stupa

For statues of seated figures, hollow inside, donations are as below. If there is less space to fill, like when the figure is standing on a lotus, the amount can be reduced.

  • 5-10 cm: €18*
  • 11-20 cm: €28*
  • 21-30 cm: 48€*
  • 31-40 cm: 68€*
  • 41-50 cm: 98€*
  • 51+ cm ask for a quote please

* Exclusive the costs for sending the statue or stupa back to you. The prices do not cover the costs completely. Donations are welcome!

Delivery time

We strive to have your statue or stupa back on your altar as soon as possible. It will take an average of 4 to 6 weeks depending on the amount of work we have.

"The eye-opener of Nalanda"

Over the course of a year, student François Schick documented the talent and technique of Nalanda Moanstery’s master painter Sonam Sherpa. The film captures the painting and gilding of one statue in a collection depicting the Sixteen Arhats. The film also includes rare footage of the statue’s eyes being “opened,” a final and important step in the creation of a holy objects such as this. Enjoy!

Some of Our Completed Projects

Former projects include the 1000 Buddhas which are all placed in the altar of the new gompa. It took five years to complete, and they were all blessed by Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Tenzin during his visit to Nalanda in October 2008. Future projects include large statues of Maitreya and Lama Tsongkhapa for the main gompa.

Another project of our workshop is the large Tara statue made by Bertrand Cayla which, which is now at Osel Ling in Spain. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has said that this Tara will be famous in the years to come. The original can now be found at our sister centre Institute Vajra Yogini.

Your order

In July & August the workshop is on retreat :). Please contact us from september to fullfill your orders.

There is a 7 mould maximum per order.
This to give everyone a chance to get a mould. Our small team of monks and volunteers thanks you!


➡️ Friends of Nalanda (Netherlands) – tax deductible donations.